05 avril 2013

Voting for the most unbelievable piece of news

Choose one for each picture and post your choice ( for ex : A n°2, B n°3, etc).

Enjoy !

A/ Elliott was jogging in Jackson park last night when......

     a ghost appeared and beheaded him.

     he saw a beautiful woman who was in fact a monster and she killed him

      a hole appeared in front of him and he fell and landed in Wonderland 

     a group of angry / hungry children attacked and bit him

     he tripped over a poor chihuahua who died.

     he disappeared, he was found in Australia disguised as a chicken


B/ A 21-year-old man was downloading tracks from Madoonna's album when ....

     a skeleton broke into the house dancing

       a Pacman mistook him for food

      Madonna herself entered the room with a gun saying " stop downloading my album or I will kill you !"

     Madonna arrived and he sang her last single and the man cried.

     he saw an ET who wanted to kill  François Hollande but unfortunately the ET killed him because he was between Mr Hollande and the ET....

04 avril 2013


To know more about this celebration , go here :


The Highland Games

25 mars 2013

Let's go to New York !!!

18 février 2013

Presidents' Day

Today it's Presidents' Day in the USA. It is afederal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington whose birthday was on February 22nd. It was started by President Nixon to honor all the presidents of the USA.

Schools often take the day to learn more about them...

Here are 43 facts about 44 Presidents

16 février 2013

La prononciation du ED ( a video in English)

15 février 2013

I Feel Terrible !

Voici un petit site pour répéter le noms des maladies ( cliquez sur le lecteur)


Puis voici la chanson que nous alllons voir en classe



En annexes le dialogue de la page 62 de votre livre( moitié du passage)

11 février 2013

Some Valentine poems for you to listen

Enjoy !

Agatha Christie

Listen again to what we've listened to and watch the video here : http://www.brainpop.com/english/famousauthorsandbooks/agathachristie/preview.weml 


31 janvier 2013

Some fashion shows to comment

Look and comment

- physical description of the models ( height, build, hair, eyes, accessories, other details) HT9 + V10

- actions G7

Say if you like the models and their clothes !

The First minute of this video Or the first 45 seconds of this one Or the first minute of this one

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