03 novembre 2016

What time is it ?

A video here to learn or there


19 octobre 2016

Magical Creatures

The first game will help you for your homework We will do the second in class

09 octobre 2016

Je connais l'ordre alphabétique



03 octobre 2016

Facts about New Zealand

Here is the video again !

30 septembre 2016

6ème bilangue : playing Spelling Bee in English and in German !

16 septembre 2016

Your Word Cloud about the school rules in 5ème5

15 septembre 2016

Your Word Cloud about the school rules in 5ème2

12 septembre 2016

Classroom English in Year 8/5ème

08 septembre 2016

Revising the big numbers !

21 juillet 2016

Tre first official trailer !

Enjoy !

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