07 mars 2017

The Animals Save the Planet

20 février 2017

What does the fox say ?

Enjoy !!

03 février 2017

The Arctic and the Superlative

Do the1)  RIGHT WRONG exercise again and then do 2)  the exercise on the superlative




2° The superlative

02 février 2017


26 janvier 2017

The Genial ly !!

09 janvier 2017

A Tour of Diagon Alley

05 janvier 2017

Which Hogwarts House are you in ? The 5ème5's quizzes

The one by Maurine,Mona, Raphaël, Lucas and Romane is to be viewed here : https://goo.gl/Qg0VW1

The one by Gaia, Loriane, Flore and Clément is to be viewed here : https://goo.gl/jmDcj1

The one by  Adrien and Estéban is to be viewed here : https://goo.gl/lz3EbC

The one by Ambre, Fanny and William L. is to be viewed here : https://goo.gl/sXDFEJ

The one by Lucile, Lisa, Enzo and Yacine is to be viewed here : https://goo.gl/UW6VxJ 


So which house are you in ?!!!


15 décembre 2016

Which Hogwarts House are you In ? Do the quizzes !

21 novembre 2016

Présent en BE + ING : Exercices

An easy one for a start To describe pictures

05 novembre 2016

Some spells in Harry Potter

To be used in moderation ;-)

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