09 février 2015

Revising the Simple Past

Et n'oubliez pas de rechanter Yesterday Night : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6a-p1SMNI4  

Go here


30 janvier 2015

Video to be dubbed

Vous trouverez en annexes la video à doubler !


06 novembre 2014

Videos on Guy FAwkes

Remember Remember ......

12 septembre 2014

Britain's Got Talents

Some videos for you to watch !

05 mai 2014

Some unusual sports for you to watch


08 avril 2014

Possessive pronouns Jazz Chants

Here is the funny Jazz Chant  on the possessive pronouns

and another one !

28 novembre 2013

Remember, Remember...Guy Fawkes' Night

Voir aussi ici la lettre de dénonciation ! http://www.show.me.uk/gunpowderplot/children_warning.htm

17 juin 2013

What's your astrological sign?

Listen and repeat ( First 20 seconds)

05 avril 2013

Voting for the most unbelievable piece of news

Choose one for each picture and post your choice ( for ex : A n°2, B n°3, etc).

Enjoy !

A/ Elliott was jogging in Jackson park last night when......

     a ghost appeared and beheaded him.

     he saw a beautiful woman who was in fact a monster and she killed him

      a hole appeared in front of him and he fell and landed in Wonderland 

     a group of angry / hungry children attacked and bit him

     he tripped over a poor chihuahua who died.

     he disappeared, he was found in Australia disguised as a chicken


B/ A 21-year-old man was downloading tracks from Madoonna's album when ....

     a skeleton broke into the house dancing

       a Pacman mistook him for food

      Madonna herself entered the room with a gun saying " stop downloading my album or I will kill you !"

     Madonna arrived and he sang her last single and the man cried.

     he saw an ET who wanted to kill  François Hollande but unfortunately the ET killed him because he was between Mr Hollande and the ET....

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