camus english corner

Archives :

novembre 2016

In the news - the outcome of an endless electoral campaign

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

The long-awaited election has drawn to a close with an unexpected twist…

  • Watch Donald Trump's victory speech:

Read the transcript

  • Watch Hillary Clinton's concession speech:

TL - Social media outlets : a new form of journalism?

dans la catégorie TL

  • Listen to Lacey and Kieran. Recap what they think about the evolution of the media in the US :


TL - the election and the media

dans la catégorie TL

  • In class we described and compared these two frontpages :




In the news - Mount Rushmore's 75th birthday

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Watch this video to learn more about the history of Mount Rushmore :



  • Mount Rushmore on the big screen :

  • Imagine a 5th face was to be added to Mount Rushmore. Do you think Barack Obama could be chosen? Why? Why not?