The Mods were born in the 1950s in Royaume-Uni. "Mods" is the abbreviation of "modernist". This group consisted of young people and they wanted to have a good life "the way of life": they were hedonist,it's a mentality very particular,witch is a greek ideology philosophic witch consist in the search of pleasure and the avoidance of pleasure. That is the objective of human existence. They had an obessession of their phisical apparence and their clothes..danse and music. In this group,members used drugs like "amphétamines" and violence is frequent to show the superiority of the band.

.Mod's fashion statement

they had an haircut very particular with the famous "french line" who is an haircut semi-long with a line on the side. And,after,the "back comb" with long hair and very short.

They attach a big importance of their apparence and style: they wear shirts Ben Sharmon and polos Fed Perry. Those polo shirts are very good for the quality and confort. They wear 2pieces suits with 3buttoms jackets. To protect their suits,they wear "parkas" when they travelling with their scooters (vespa,lambretta). For the trousers,in the frist time,they were in the bath to adapt them at the body. "straight trousers".

The shoes are principaly of the italian's designers. They wear Brogues,loafers and desert boots.