
An incredible movie that makes you laugh. I would be tempted to say that this is the funniest movie ever done. This hilarious film is captivating because it makes you want to know how this "fuck" happen.

Synopsis: A man, Doug will be married in two days. With his friends they go to Las Vegas for his bachelor party. Allan, a dumb guy and the step brother of Doug drug the alcohol with GHB. Stu, Phil, the friends of Doug and Allan woke up the next day without Doug. They don't have any memories of the night and Doug is getting married the next day. A chase after him into the town where everything is possible started and a race against the watch too. Is Doug dead? Is Doug alive? Are they arrive on time to the weeding? Are they not?

I loved the film for some reason. First, musics. Indeed the musics are wonderfull, they stick perfectly with the film. Secondly, the actors. They are just amazing. This is a feat that they don't laugh during the film. It makes you laugh at every single moment. It's a friendship story amazing. Thirdly, i loved the effects because i don't know how they arrive to make a tiger in a car but it's at first of all a funny comedy perfectly scripted.

If you want to see a movie with a good scenario, don't go. It's a great film to laugh but not a film with the greatest scenario. Some scenes can shock so if you don't are able to see it don't go. The nudity scenes are at the end so if you are with children, leave the cinema room before it starts.


8405d_1.jpgBradley Cooper play as Phil. He is a crazy teacher who loves to make the party.




Ed Helms play as Stu. He is stuck dentist who thinks he is a doctor but he is not. He liveswith a women that make his lives hard.









Justin Bartha play as Doug. He is the friends of Phil, Stu and Allan and he is the most normal. He got married with his wife Tracy.










Zach Galifianakis play as Allan. He is the step brother of Doug. He is a crazy man with some psychological problems, but he loves partys.







To me, it's a funny film to see with his/her friends. It shows how the hangover can make do us things crazy, and it explain how the alcohol need to be limited. And it's also to me, a beautiful friendship story.