Synopsis : Dom Cobb is a skilled thief – the best in the dangerous art of extraction: his specialty is to capture the most precious secrets of an individual, buried deep in his subconscious, while he dreams and his spirit is particularly vulnerable. Prized for his talents in the murky world of industrial espionage, Cobb also became a fugitive hunted around the world who lost everything dear to him. But a final mission could enable him to regain his life before - provided he can accomplish the impossible: the inception.Instead of stealing a dream, Cobb and his team must do the opposite : implant an idea in an individual's mind. If they succeed, it could be a perfect crime. This movie is one of the best I have ever seen, the script is very original, the music use is awesome and the acting is amazing as the specials effects. Something really interesting about this movie is that the job in there is only limited as the imagination! Inception has a real cliffhanger of an ending that will have you on the edge of your seat.

Positive things: In this movie, I was impressed by the plot because it was really original, smart, spectacular, captivating, breath-taking and sometimes there were unexpected plot twists. I personally think that the special effects were very successful, the actors were convincing and admirable as the characters who are vibrant, touching, determined and ambitious. To my mind, Inception has one of the best soundtrack of all movies, and thanks to that, certain scenes of movies are magical and allows it to be transported in the world of Inception.We can find that feeling at the end where a music composed by Hans Zimmer is played and this makes it even more magical final scene.

Negative things: However, one negative thing is that it can confuse the viewer because sometimes it's very smart and even too smart, a lot of terms and situations can caused confusion. I would be tempted to say that the end bring me a lot of questions like “Why is it ending like this? How can we know is it real or not?” and I want to have the answers and it has me on the edge of my seat. The characters are not the super heroes who save the world, they are flawed and dangerous, in fact, they can be thiefs, it's illegal what they do. There is something which can be disapointing is that the dream looks like too much to the reality, I mean, when you dream, it's very strange, it doesn't respect the perspective or anything like science and in this movie there is not really many setting who looks like a dream. Too bad!

Characters: I would be tempted to say that I very like all of the characters, they're all usefull to the movie and no one is just in this movie to do nothing, they all have an important part at some point in the movie. It seems to me that the actors play them very well even if some people think that it can be disapointed to see that they're not really in their role (I don't know how and where they can see that...).

I personally think that we can be able to relate to certain characters, espacially Cobb, he's just a father who wants to return to his family. It is the same case for a lot of fathers or mothers in this world... Such a sad thing... I don't think we couldn't like a character because there is no “Bad” or “Good” guy or maybe we can hate Mall at the begining but I can't tell you more without spoiling you... Sorry!


  Eames and Arthur


 Ariane and Cobb


Mall Cobb and Dom Cobb


 Saito, the tourist


 Robert Fisher, The mark


 Yusuf, the chimist


Finally I can say this movie is very interesting and all I want to say is you should see Inception, you will be transported with the music, the effects and quite simply with the movie. As for me, I think I could watch Inception many many times! I'm pretty sure it would be as good and extraordinary than the other times. Unfortunately, I can't really say much about this movie without telling you everything can just watch it.