Synopsis : A young woman (20years) who is being held against will, in a psychiatric hospital with other girls. Her life is Hell and she creates an imaginary world that plays between reality and imagination. In this World (accompagnied by her new friends) helping by a mysterious guardian, they fight againts : samouraïs, robots, dragon ... to acces Freedom !

Sucker Punch became my favorite film since I saw it. In this film I love everythings : story, music, action, fighting... and especially the actresses who are great in them battle dresses. I love music of this film because  they go very well with moments of action, thank to them have really feels the movie. It sometimes hard to find appropriate music for film, but here, they are very amazing. This movie is full of energy. Moreover, there is many battles scenes but there is never blood and that it's cool. The spectator are captiving by the action, form the beginning to the end. Zack Snyder had been very great on this.

Even if Sucker Punch verges on perfection, it's not completly perfect. For myself, I would like to be able to see the moment when the main character dance. But it's not possible because when she is dancing we see her fictinnal world, and it's good too.

The characters are so cute, so sexy...I like it ! Emily Browning (as Baby Doll), the main character, is breathtaking in her role. We feel her fears and incomprehension. I don't known what to say more because I love this Film. To my mind, it's amazing, awesome. There is nothing more to say, just : Go see it ! You will not regret it !

"Everyone has an angel.
A Guardian who watches over us
We can't know what form they'll take
One day ,old man
Next day, a little girl
But don't let appearances fool you
They can be as fierce as any dragon
Yet, they're not here to fight our battles
But to whisper from your heart
Remainding that it's us.
It's everyone of us who holds the power 
Over the worlds we create.
We can deny ours angels exist,
Convince ourselves they can't be real.
But they show up anyway.
At strange places
And strange times.
They can speak through any character
We can imagine.
They'll shout through demons,
If they have to...
Daring us...
Challenging us to : FIGHT !" (Sucker Punch)