IMG_6240.JPG, nov. 2016

   On TV, in the newspapers, and on the radio we regularly hear stories about refugees who have decided to escape a world of chaos in their home countries to live in peace and to have a better future with their families.. Each year 1000s of refugees seek asylum at any cost. 

   In this article, we would like to pay tribute to two extraordinary women  we followed and interviewed over  two years. Destiny, 27, embodies the typical Nigerian refugee woman.  Pregnant, she underwent an obstacle course which included a sea crossing and a long journey  before finally arriving in France. Anne is a retired woman who met Destiny for the first time in Paris, and who decided to take Destiny under her wing. 

   During these two years, Anne has encouraged and assisted Destiny with her life in France. Hand in hand, Anne has helped Destiny with administrative procedures, with finding accommodation, in recreating her family with her other children and Victor. Anne even came to the hospital when Destiny's baby girl, Glory, was born.   In two years, Destiny  has physically and emotionally blossomed.  

   What a journey, Destiny and Anne, together sharing the same journey through different eyes .


                                               By  O. Ozkan, K.Frere, R.Mahfoud and M. Mounir