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VIDÉOS RÉALISÉES PAR LES ÉLÈVES DE 5ème+ - Life in Hann-Munden in the Middle-Ages

At the market: why not take a stroll in the market of Hann.Münden?

The Toll: to sail through Hann.Münden, people had to pay a toll. That's why the city was rich...

The flood: because the city lies between 3 rivers, there were often floods...

A terrible day: life could be dangerous in the Middle-Ages...

Trading in Hann.Münden: a merchant trades in Hann.Münden market


VIDÉOS RÉALISÉES PAR LES ÉLÈVES DE 5ème+ - Hann-Munden in the Middle-Ages - Doktor Eisenbart

This famous doctor used to live in Hann.Münden and he is still remembered today.

Dr Eisenbart: discover how the famous doctor prepared his potion...

Dr Eisenbart - What a terrible doctor! discover how being a patient of doctor Eisenbart's could be very dangerous...


AUDIO GUIDE - Visit Suresnes

En téléchargeant l'application sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette, vous pourrez suivre la visite de Suresnes que les élèves de 5ème+ ont préparée pour vous. Pour cela, il vous faudra scanner ce code QR:


VIDÉOS RÉALISÉES PAR LES ÉLÈVES DE 5ème+ - Hann-Munden in the Middle-Ages - Duchess Elisabeth

Duchess Elisabeth used to rule over Hann.Münden. She is still very famous. But she had to marry Duke Erich when she was only 14 and he was 53!!! There was a huge feast on this occasion and it took 6 days to wash up after that!

The Birthday: we've tried to imagine how Elisabeth reacted when her parents announced her that she would marry an old man...

The wedding: in this video Elisabeth gets ready for her wedding. A lot of women clean and wash up after the feast.