New blog united kingdom and french

hello my friend's and my family ,

I communicade you because I'm french and I live in  English , I'm a student in Cambridge University . This is a very good university because I have my room and I Have a club for soccer because I like sport . I have best friend , he is English his name is Toby he is  very sympathic , a population English is sympathic with strangers. The United Kingdom is the good for students because help very good a student stranges he need's money . He is nice University becausehe give  money . I see you my friend's because I need you come with me this is good country . I need to live in the United Kingdom because is very good French is not good for children student's please . Please came with me in the United Kingdom . Ahahahahah !!!!! Sorry I have girl friend . If you come I will presente her .


1. On 20 November 2016, 21:15 by MEZOURI Oualid

How old were you when you left in England?

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