My six month in Britain by Alexandre Pinault

Hello everybody ! It's Alexandre talking from the U.K !!! I hope everything is alright ;D,

for my part everything is alright, for my part I'm very happy to be in London.

London is a great city, the people are very cool and the city itself is handsome!!!

I'm very glad to be here. I hope in France everything is fine (T think so :D) but here, it's just so cool !

Why don't someone comes here with me ? :) In britain there are so many clichés ! Like British drinks tea everytime,

it's false ! They drink tea yeah but not everytime and they can drink coffee or coca cola, why not ??

The food in London is... Quite different from the French taste, this is not tha I don't like British food

but it isn't my taste :(

Let's stop talking about this and let's talk about my life in London.

During the first month I was lost in this big city and english accent was difficult for me,

but month by month, T've perfected my English,

and now I can talk like a real English !

I'me quite happy ! This Erasmus was very helpful for me and I hope it wiil be for some one who whant's to go in Britain !!! ;D


Good bye friend's, family ! See you later !! :D



1. On 20 November 2016, 21:18 by MEZOURI Oualid

How old were you when you left in England?

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