My life in Cambridge


Hi,everyone !

it's been six month since i am in Cambridge. It's totally perfect. Before my arrival, Iwas stressed by the stereotypes like bad food, tea, bad weather and eccentricity but it's wrong they're like everyone. They don't eat bean and drink tea at all. They eat like us and some British prefer coffee. Bad weather is wrong too, the proof is that today is a sunny day, someday it rains just like in France but a little more in england . Eccentricty, wrong! I haven't seen people dressed with eccentricity. Okay, maybe sometimes one or two but not too much. So please, don't listeen to the stereotypes like "they eat beans for breakfast" "they're dressed  with eccentricity" " they drink tea all the time" "in england it rains all year". It's really boring to hear that. The only stereotypes who's not really one is the Queen. English people are really attached to her, the royal family is really the symbol of England.


My daily life 

Cambridge is really a lovely city. So cool! I spend my time visiting the city, eat specialities and SHOPPING, honestly is a huge thing everything is less expensive clothes, shoes, jewelries... It's really fun or cool I have no words. I think that I'm gonna buy another bag because I bought too many things. Don-t worry I'm gonna share with all of you. By the way you should comme and see me here not a longtime but one week. The city is cool, I have met some new people they're realle kind  and helpful, if I'm not alone I am with then . We hang out together and they teach me English or some information about the city or United Kingdom. Everything is fine.






1. On 18 November 2016, 17:48 by Aicha hellou 2GT1

Really good information but it's not attractive and when i see you article i don't want to read it because it's very big with long sentence but it's really right what you say about english people

           Aicha Hellou 2GT1 

2. On 19 November 2016, 15:51 by Bellamy C. (Lycée Jean Jaurès, Châtenay-Malabry (92))

good jobs

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