fans of american series

The maze runner

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I’m going to tell you about « The maze runner». It’s not a TV series, but it’s like. The maze runner deals with a guy who is jailed in a labyrinth with other guys, who want to escape it. Thomas is jailed in the labyrinth, every month, another person arrives in the Labyrinth. But one month nobody arrives so all the camp panics. Thomas and a team decide to go in the Labyrinth to find an exit. During two weeks all the camp search an exit, an one day the wall which protects the city, falls so the persons are going to die, because the monsters in the Labyrinth are going to eat the guys.


I am not going to explain you the end because if you want to see it, I’m going to spoil you ! This Films are so interesting, the story so stressed, and the character so endearing. In this movie the stress is here, with Thomas and the other guys. When you see this movie, you’re in, in the film.