EF Traineeship in Oxford

On my first day I first had to go meet the other people that would be with me during our time in Oxford. After introducing ourselves, we got a brief explanation on what we would be doing over at the institution. After a long day of travel, all of us were able to meet their respective host families and go to sleep. The next day we went to the school where a teacher greeted us and guides us to our classroom. After having told us what we would be doing for the day, we started working on exercises. I quickly saw that the given exercises were far too simple and easy for me so I asked the teacher if I could work on harder tasks, the teacher told me taht I should wait a bit and see how it went. I told myself that I should not care about it for the moment. At the end of the lesson, another teacher came in and introduced themselves to us. Having briefed us about the excursions we would be having during the next three weeks, the new teacher told us that we could go explore the surroundings of the facility. The next day after a good rest, in the classroom nobody was paying attetion to the lesson because they were all excited about the visit of the Bodleian library which is normally only accessible to students of the Oxford University. The excursions we would have in the next few weeks had for purpose the immersion of the students in the environment while learning about its history. A few days passed until I started to speak again to my teacher about the difficulty of the lessons. At first he was hesitant so he told me to come see him and the other teachers during a break. It was time for the break so I made my over to the teacher’s lounge where I would then be able to talk to the teachers about the issue I had with the lessons and their difficulty. At first the teachers wanted to see how well I could speak english so we held a random conversation. After seeing that I had no problem with it they wanted to see what I had done during the lessons so I showed them my notebook. After having talked to each other the teachers decided that I should get separate tasks from the group. With this having been done I was able to work correctly and progress while sometimes even helping with teaching or coming up with ideas that could be implemented into the lessons for the others. Even though the lessons were helpful, the excursions also played a major part in my progression. Sometimes we had activities during the excursions. One time we had a sheet of riddles we had to solve to be able to find multiple locations at which we then had to take a photo. Another time, we had to explore Oxford castle and solve a question sheet that was prepared for us while being on a time limit. After having done all that we had to find a link between the locations. For it we had to speak to people in guide offices or just any local. Many other activities where we had to speak with englishmen helped us get used to the language and learn it faster. Many exhilarating and fun moments helped all of the group come closer and learn together in a new environment where we had obstacles set before us. On the last day of the traineeship, we had a big party to commemorate the time we spent together. After going back to the host family to eat dinner and sleep, the day came on which we had to go back to France and to our families. We used the time we had in the train to properly tell everyone goodbye. Which thus ended my tarineeship.

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