4e2: vote for class representatives!

After the speeches it's now time to vote! Click HERE to say who you vote for and justify your vote.


1. Le 05 octobre 2014, 11:56 par HAJAR :-)

The best candidates for me are LAURINE and BASMA
LAURINE: remove to technology :-)
BASMA: confident :-)

                                               HAJAR 8-)
2. Le 05 octobre 2014, 14:14 par Fabien

First I vote for Shanon because she will organize a cool trip.
She wants to have more new lockers and she wants less homework for students.
In second choice I vote for Juliette because she will organize a trip. She wants better food for lunches and she wants more help for students by professors.
Have a nice day !

3. Le 05 octobre 2014, 14:59 par Laurine

My first vote is for Hajar, because she is talkative and organized. And she wants much more time recreation. :)
My second vote is for Solenn because she wants to open a beauty salon for girl ! I love ! :)