16 septembre 2016

Your Word Cloud about the school rules in 5ème5

15 septembre 2016

Your Word Cloud about the school rules in 5ème2

08 septembre 2016

Revising the big numbers !

18 juin 2016

The Rambouillet Gazette

Enjoy !


05 juin 2016

The News !

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So which one do you prefer ? Post your comment: I prefer n°.....


Number 1   Last Monday at 4 pm , two robbers caught the security guards and hit them violently . they tore the curtains and the house burnt . The robbers jumped...

Number 2  Yesterday at 8past 11 in Washington , the White House burnt. The cook of the white House was cooking when he  accidentally  burnt a dish which burnt all the Whitz House. Weirdly all the people are OK

Number3 : Last Friday in Washington at 10 o'clock, the president Barack Obama was speaking when 2 weird people broke into the White House  and blewup a lot of firecrackerq noisily. Fortunately, the president was ok buthe was very sad :-( . The firemen stopped the fire


Number  4 : In the forest at Rambouillet at 4pm , a lot of visitors were watching the birds when they heard a noisy and violent scream . At a distance , they saw a weird animal : it was Big Foot

Number 5 : Last Saturday  at 4 pm , a man was walking in the forest of Rambouillet when he saw a weird footprint. Suddenly Big Foot appeared in font of the man. He was angry  and he wanted to eat the human who was terrorized. Fortunately an ET destroyed Big Foot ... an the Human...


Number 6:   Last Tuesday , in the forest of Rambouillet, it rained a lot , after 1 hour, quickly the city was flooded , the people were devastated . The rain destroyed 5 houses and 1 building . Finally, the water went down after 3 days. He was sentenced to life


26 mai 2016

Jazz Chants : Selfish

26 mars 2016

Some more Jazz Chants !

Loan, Anthony, Arthur and Freddy Sarah, Justine, Enzo and Jade Thomas, Sofiane, Matéo Emma, Roxane, Inès and Laure

12 mars 2016

Quizzes on Internet habits

Virginie, Emma, Alice and Mathis’s test Noémie, Mila mathieu and Camille’s test Léna, Amandine, Cécile et Candice’s quiz Hugo, Thomass, Rudy Clarisse, Blanche, Valentine’s quiz Julien, Sinda, Marco and Lindsay’s quiz

19 février 2016

The padlet for your penfriends (5ème1)

Your penfriends' padlet

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