Only UK residents can visit Big Ben, after obtaining an autorisation.

The building faces the River Thames between Westminster Bridge and Westminster Abbey.

A fire devastated a part of the parliament building in 1835. Following this event, a commission was set up to choose the new style of the building. The winning plan was Charles Barry's,which provided among other things, a tower to the building.

The first bell was made in 1856. It split a few months after installation, then a second bell was built the 10 April 1858. 31 May 1859, the famous clock came into service. Each year, it is set by placing a coin on the mechanism if it gets ahead, or if it delays.

The unique sound of the Big Ben's bell is due to the fact that it was cracked in 1859, barely two months after its official inauguration, which gives it a very distinctive tone. For technical reasons, the bell is oriented so that the hammer doesn't strike the crack.

The famous air Chime which marks the hours is called Westminster Quarters.

The clock tower will become the Tower Elizabeth, in honor of the Queen for her diamond jubilee.

-->The clock is composed of four quadrants and a bell weighing 13.5 tons.-->The tower is 98,5m tall.

-->The clock mechanism weighs 5 tons and the hammer weighs 200 kg.

-->When the parliament seats, a British flag floats above the clock.

-->When the parliament meets, the light turns on.

-->The bell rang for the first time on 31 May 1859.

-->The sound of the bell reaches six kilometers around.

-->It sounds the hours, quarter hours being sounded by other clocks.

Initially, the name of this bell was The Great Bell.

Since 1859, the bells of Big Ben, have announced in all English homes the beginning of the new year at midnight on December 31st.


- Wikipedia







