camus english corner

Let's practice oral comprehension #1 : Big Ben to fall silent

dans la catégorie Let's practice oral comprehension

Practice oral comprehension as if you were taking the exam.

  • 3 listenings
  • 1 minute between each listening
  • explain in French what you have understood from the document in 10 minutes

If you want the script and the correction, just ask for it !

Good luck :)

In the news : Prince George and lentils...

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

Could you imagine a piece of news concerning both Prince George and French lentils ? Here it is ! Seen from a variety of angles...


Compare the various angles : how is this piece of news dealt with by the various media platforms? What elements are put forward depending on the media platform? Pick new expressions that might be useful for future use.

And, of course, feel free to leave a comment to give your opinion on this piece of news !

In the news : how Usain Bolt smashed the 100m world record

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

Remember the video I showed in class ? Watch the whole video here :

Euro : Teen Kids News Sept. 8th-14th

dans la catégorie Euro

Watch this episode of Teen Kids News and reflect on your experience as a reporter during class.

In the news : Find out more about the last confederate statues

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

Welcome back to school !

dans la catégorie 2017-2018

Dear all,

I'm really glad to welcome you as your English teacher this year. Here are a few rules you should always keep in mind !


BAC - quelques rappels utiles

dans la catégorie TS2 term, bac & post-bac


TS2/TS3 - Statue of Liberty TV show

dans la catégorie 2016-2017

On March 30th, 26 students from TS2 and TS3 made a TV show on the Statue of Liberty and its evolution as a symbol particularly since Donald Trump's election.



201 - The Birth of a Nation : mindmap recap

dans la catégorie 201

Here is the mindmap which sums up everything we talked about in class concerning the 2 films and the director's intentions. 07_mindmap_birth_of_a_nation.docx

203 - The Birth of a Nation : mindmap recap

dans la catégorie 203

Here is the mindmap which sums up everything we talked about in class concerning the 2 films and the director's intentions. 07_mindmap_birth_of_a_nation.docx

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