camus english corner

1STMG2 GrA - Welcome to the English class

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrA


You are expected (= I want you) to :

  • respect the teacher, the classmates/students, the classroom and yourself ;
  • have a positive attitude ;
  • learn English to progress/improve ;
  • cooperate because working together makes you stronger.



to learn = apprendre
to improve = progresser
to cooperate = s'entraider
strong (adj.) / stronger (comparatif) = plus fort

2016-2017 : welcome back to school !

dans la catégorie 2016-2017

It's time to go back to school after such a long break !


Remember.... cooperation, positive attitude, respect are the key to success in learning English !

A little bit of fun to start with...

  • Search Wordreference for words you don't know.
  • What is the message of this picture? Leave a comment on the blog and react to others' comments.

Quelques règles de vie de base - le téléphone portable

dans la catégorie TS2 term, bac & post-bac


Sujets de bac 2016

dans la catégorie Let's practice reading comprehension & written expression

Voici les sujets du bac d'anglais LV1 séries générales et LV1 séries technologiques ainsi que leurs corrigés officiels avec barème.

T12 - The key to success

dans la catégorie T12 S

Watch the whole video in which Angela Lee Duckworth explains what the key to success is, according to her :


T12 - food for thought before leaving Camus...

dans la catégorie T12 S

T12 - Let's leave a trace of 2016

dans la catégorie T12 S

A few more tips to help you get ready for the written parts of the bac

dans la catégorie Let's practice reading comprehension & written expression

Look at the documents attached to this article. You will find :

  • a methodology recap on how to write an essay, a letter, a press article, a speech or a dialogue (source : unknown)
  • a recap of the common instructions for the reading comprehension (source : Insight Terminales, Hatier)
  • a list of false friends and most common mistakes (source :
  • a list of synonyms to enrich your vocabulary for the written expression (source : unknown)

Good luck :)

T12 - end of the year project

dans la catégorie T12 S

Hi there,

Here's the video you need to upload on your smartphone so that we can use it in class tomorrow.


Goodbye Darlene ;)

dans la catégorie 2015-2016

After 6 months spent together, Darlene went back home full of memories and new experiences. Bye bye Darlene and good luck with your future students !

Watch the slideshow she left before leaving.


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