camus english corner

Archives :

février 2017

201 - The Birth of a Nation's movie poster

dans la catégorie 201

Let's recap what we talked about in class concerning the movie poster of The Birth of a Nation. 



203 - The Birth of a Nation's movie poster

dans la catégorie 203

Let's recap what we talked about in class concerning the movie poster of The Birth of a Nation. 



TL - It's time to debate!

dans la catégorie TL

It's time to debate!

Over break, you will have to watch these videos and complete the worksheets you got in class. Just in case you were absent or you lost it, you can find it enclosed to this post.

  • What is the House of Commons? (complete worksheet)


  • What is the House of Lords? (for your information only, no worksheet)

  • Introduction to Parliamentary debate - similar content in both videos (complete worksheet)

  • Every year, in France, prestigious schools compete on a common motion. Watch an example here, Supelec vs. Polytechnique:

TS2/3 - It's time to debate!

dans la catégorie TS2 & TS3

It's time to debate!

Over break, you will have to watch these videos and complete the worksheets you got in class. Just in case you were absent or you lost it, you can find it enclosed to this post.

  • What is the House of Commons? (complete worksheet)


  • What is the House of Lords? (for your information only, no worksheet)

  • Introduction to Parliamentary debate - similar content in both videos (complete worksheet)

  • Every year, in France, prestigious schools compete on a common motion. Watch an example here, Supelec vs. Polytechnique:

TS2 - It's time to debate!

dans la catégorie TS2

It's time to debate!

Over break, you will have to watch these videos and complete the worksheets you got in class. Just in case you were absent or you lost it, you can find it enclosed to this post.

  • What is the House of Commons? (complete worksheet)


  • What is the House of Lords? (for your information only, no worksheet)

  • Introduction to Parliamentary debate - similar content in both videos (complete worksheet)

  • Every year, in France, prestigious schools compete on a common motion. Watch an example here, Supelec vs. Polytechnique:

TS2 - Let's design future babies

dans la catégorie TS2

  • After watching an extract from Gattaca, we listed a few expressions that will be useful to react to eugenism :
  • We also had a look at arguments in favour or against eugenism :


TS2/3 - Let's design future babies

dans la catégorie TS2 & TS3

  • After watching an extract from Gattaca, we listed a few expressions that will be useful to react to eugenism :
  • We also had a look at arguments in favour or against eugenism :