camus english corner

Archives :

septembre 2016

In the news - Michelle Obama's support for Hillary Clinton

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

In the news - Trump vs. Clinton : the 1st presidential debate's best moments

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • If you're in a rush and you just want to have an overview of the 1st debate between the 2 candidates running for the US presidential election, watch this report by ABC News :

  • However if you have plenty of time and are curious to watch the whole debate and make up your mind.

A tour of the 50 states in the USA

dans la catégorie SURFING THE WEB

TS2 - A vos agendas !

dans la catégorie TS2 term, bac & post-bac



1ES1 - how to write about a piece of news

dans la catégorie 1ES1



201 - What kind of person are you?

dans la catégorie 201

  • Look at this word cloud for a few minutes.
  • Look up the words you don't understand in Wordreference
  • Try to remember as many of these adjectives as possible


TS2 - check your answers !

dans la catégorie TS2

Remember the exercise comparing teenagers to cats you had to do as a homework. Check the correction to see how well you did.


TS2 - A vos agendas !

dans la catégorie TS2 planning

1STMG2 GrA - Chinese portrait

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrA

  • A definition :


  • Let's think about it!
  • Spin the wheel to practise your English !


1STMG2 GrB - Chinese portrait

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrB

  • A definition :


  • Let's think about it!
  • Spin the wheel to practise your English !


1STMG2 GrB - Let's meet up !

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrB

let_s_meet_up_1STMG2B_130916_TE.jpg, sept. 2016


In the news - The man who wants to build a village out of plastic bottles

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

1ES1 - 2016 Summer review

dans la catégorie 1ES1

It's time to recap what we know about the events of the Summer review we worked on in class.

  • Each pair will work on one piece of news.
  • Use the memo your teacher will give you.
  • Write a paragraph on Padlet.
  • Give as many details as possible.

Here is the padlet.

Also you might want to have a look at the slideshow we worked on in class. Here it is :

201 - let's practise oral comprehension and note taking !

dans la catégorie 201

As an extension to the class, listen to these Chinese portraits to improve your oral comprhension and to be more efficient while taking notes :

203 - let's practise oral comprehension and note-taking !

dans la catégorie 203

As an extension to the class, listen to these Chinese portraits to improve your oral comprhension and to be more efficient while taking notes :

Semaine de l'engagement lycéen & élections des délégués de classe

dans la catégorie TS2 term, bac & post-bac

Chaque année à la fin du mois de Septembre, nous procédons à l'élection des délégués de la classe.

  • Pour ceux qui en toujours rêvé mais qui hésitent...

Quelques infos un peu plus sérieuses en attendant :

In the news : Can't a girl have a sick day?

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

Watch CNN anchor question the transparency of the media regarding Hillary Clinton.


TS2 - 2016 Summer review

dans la catégorie TS2

It's time to recap what we know about the events of the Summer review we worked on in class.

  • Each pair will work on one piece of news.
  • Use the memo your teacher will give you.
  • Write a paragraph on Padlet.
  • Give as many details as possible.

Here is the padlet.

Also you might want to have a look at the slideshow we worked on in class. Here it is :

TS2 & TS3 - 2016 Summer review

dans la catégorie TS2 & TS3

It's time to recap what we know about the events of the Summer review we worked on in class.

  • Each pair will work on one piece of news.
  • Use the memo your teacher will give you.
  • Write a paragraph on Padlet.
  • Give as many details as possible.

Here is the padlet.

Also you might want to have a look at the slideshow we worked on in class. Here it is :

TL - 2016 Summer review

dans la catégorie TL

It's time to recap what we know about the events of the Summer review we worked on in class.

  • Each pair will work on one piece of news.
  • Use the memo your teacher will give you.
  • Write a paragraph on Padlet.
  • Give as many details as possible.

Here is the padlet.

Also you might want to have a look at the slideshow we worked on in class. Here it is :


1STMG2 GrA - Let's meet up !

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrA



203 - Chinese portrait

dans la catégorie 203

  • A definition :


  • Let's think about it!
  • Spin the wheel to practise your English !


201 - Chinese portrait

dans la catégorie 201

  • A definition :


  • Let's think about it!
  • Spin the wheel to practise your English !


How to use suggest - Wordreference

dans la catégorie Wordreference - English usage


Source :

How to use both - Wordreference

dans la catégorie Wordreference - English usage


Source :

How to use either and neither - Wordreference

dans la catégorie Wordreference - English usage


Sources :

1ES1 - Let's meet up !

dans la catégorie 1ES1



203 - Let's meet up !

dans la catégorie 203



Let's revise both... and, neither... nor, either... or, not only... but also

dans la catégorie NEED REVISING GRAMMAR & VOC ?

Visit the English Square website to get a better understanding of how to use both... and, neither... nor, either... or and not only... but also. Feel free to ask more questions if need be.

201 - Let's meet up!

dans la catégorie 201


1STMG2 GrB - Welcome to the English class

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrB


You are expected (= I want you) to :

  • respect the teacher, the assistant, the classmates/students, the rules, the classroom and yourself ;
  • have a positive attitude ;
  • learn English to progress/improve/get better ;
  • cooperate because working together makes you stronger.



to learn = apprendre
to improve = progresser
to cooperate = s'entraider
strong (adj.) / stronger (comparatif) = plus fort
a roommate = a friend you share your room with
>> a classmate

1STMG2 GrA - Welcome to the English class

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrA


You are expected (= I want you) to :

  • respect the teacher, the classmates/students, the classroom and yourself ;
  • have a positive attitude ;
  • learn English to progress/improve ;
  • cooperate because working together makes you stronger.



to learn = apprendre
to improve = progresser
to cooperate = s'entraider
strong (adj.) / stronger (comparatif) = plus fort

2016-2017 : welcome back to school !

dans la catégorie 2016-2017

It's time to go back to school after such a long break !


Remember.... cooperation, positive attitude, respect are the key to success in learning English !

A little bit of fun to start with...

  • Search Wordreference for words you don't know.
  • What is the message of this picture? Leave a comment on the blog and react to others' comments.

Quelques règles de vie de base - le téléphone portable

dans la catégorie TS2 term, bac & post-bac
