camus english corner

Archives :

février 2016

Surfing the web...

dans la catégorie SURFING THE WEB

  • Find a selection of articles or videos here that might be helpful for your oral expression or just for a better knowledge of the anglo-saxon sphere.
  • Feel free to complete the list !  
Abonnez-vous au tableau Food for thought de Camus sur Pinterest.

In the news : is the Super Bowl more than a mere sports event ?

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

What made Super Bowl 50 ?
  • an American football game of course
  • but also a breathtaking half-time show :
  • with a few controversies... : read here
  • and not to forget what is known as the best commercials ever :

See some more commercials here

In the news : it's show time at the Super Bowl !

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

In the night of Sunday 7th February one of the most popular events in the US is taking place : the Super Bowl ! Millions of Americans are going to celebrate its 50th anniversary. It's not just a sports event but also the opportunity for stars to perform during the half time show. 
  • Also watch this video published on  :