camus english corner

Archives :

janvier 2016

Postcrossing - let's travel the world !

dans la catégorie 2015-2016

Postcrossing is a website which helps connect people all over the world. Anyone registered on this website will receive postcards from random places in the world. It's a great way to discover new people, new countries and new cultures !

6 classes are taking part in this project. Let's see which class and which student will travel the most ! Follow our competitors here :

January 7th : 1 year later...

dans la catégorie 2015-2016

Today we had the opportunity to meet Aré, the cartoonist. Here's an overview of what happened room Albert Camus from 8:30 to 12:00 on January 7th.

  • watch the videos :
  • Enjoy :)

    An Englishman in Paris...

    dans la catégorie SURFING THE WEB

    Sometimes small things mean a lot !!

    All the best for 2016 !

    dans la catégorie SURFING THE WEB

    In the news : Google 2015 Year in Search

    dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

    Here's the video made every year out of the most searched keywords on Google and that give an overview of 2015.

    In the news : Facebook 2015 Year In Review

    dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

    2 minutes to recap the story of the year 2015.

    Salons d'orientation 2015 / 2016

    dans la catégorie T12 - class planning

    Voici le calendrier des salons d'orientation à Paris.

    Bonne recherche !