29 mars 2018

Préparation à la visite du collège ! Our middle school entrance preparation !

Afin de préparer notre entrée au collège et dans le cadre de la liaison école-collège, nous, CM2 de l'école Victor Hugo à Yerres avons préparé quelques questions en anglais pour les 6èmes du collège Guillaume Budé.

These are some questions made by the 2 class of CM2 for the students in the grade six class of Guillaume Budé middle school.


-1- What do you like in this middle school ?

-2- What is the planning of the week ?

-3- What about the canteen ? How does it work ?

-4- How are arranged the classrooms ?

-5- Is it hard to change of classroom ?

-6- What are forbidden things in middle school ?

-7- Is there a lot of homework?

-8- Is there a library where we can work ?

-9- Where is the canteen ?

-10- Where are the toilets ?

-11- Where are the classrooms ?

-12- At what time do you have the break ?

-13- What's the head teacher's name ?

-14- Have you got good meal at the canteen ?

-15- What are your middle school opening and closing hours ?


Thanks a lot for your answers ! See U !!

L'école Victor Hugo sous la neige....Happy Times :-)