an english corner in mandel

Malaysian schools closed because of smog

From CBBCNewsround

6 October 2015 Last updated at 08:39 BST

Schools in Malaysia, in south-east Asia, have been closed for two days because the government says there's too much pollution in the air.

It's happening because Malaysia is close to Indonesia, where forest fires have been raging for weeks, creating a smoky haze.

Big companies, as well as farmers with small areas of land, are thought to have started the fires.

They do it to quickly clear the land to make way for palm oil, pulp and paper plantations.

The government in Indonesia says more than 20,000 people, including soldiers from the army, are trying to put out the flames.

The haze created from the smoke has now spread up to Thailand and unless there's rain and the fire fighters can bring the flames under control, the problem won't improve soon.

On board a migrant rescue boat

from CBBCNewsround

29 September 2015 Last updated at 06:31 BST

This year more than 250,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean sea from Africa to Europe, in search of a better life.

Many of them are escaping war and poverty, but it's a very dangerous journey and some people don't survive.

One of the ships patrolling the sea, looking for boats carrying migrants, is called Dignity One.

It's run by a charity and gives care and help to people stranded at sea.

The BBC's Ben Mundy joined the ship as it left the small island of Malta in Europe, heading towards the coast of Libya in North Africa.


Félicitations à Amélie  qui a gagné la finale du "Spelling Bee Contest" contre Miguel!
Qui osera à présent défier notre challenger à Mandel?

You've got a new message from Japan!

Your postcard to maripeace in Japan has arrived! It reached its destination in 9 days after traveling 9,717 km! Mari wrote you a message: “Hi Bonjour Dears! Thank you for the wonderful one! Wow...I love this card:) And it's nice Japanese letter that you write. Arigatou Gozaimasu (Thank you) Today's Tokyo is rainy +25c. Autumn begin. Have a enjoy nice season. Mari”

You've got a message from Germany!

Alexandra wrote you a message: “Hello and thanks for the nice postcard from Paris and the lovely smilies. Happy postcrossing Alexandra”

Spelling Bee Contest: the Final!

La finale du Spelling Bee Contest en 6e E aura lieu jeudi 24 septembre en cours d'anglais. 

Elle opposera Amélie à Miguel


Britain's Got Talent and Mandel too!

 A votre tour, élèves de 5e mandéliens de vous présenter et de nous faire découvrir vos talents comme Maia le fait dans cette célèbre émission TV en Grande-Bretagne!


Want to know more about 9/11?

Click here!

A spelling bee contest at Mandel!

Vous allez bientôt pouvoir défier vos camarades lors d'un concours typiquement américain: il vous suffit d'épeler le plus de mots possible de manière correcte en anglais! Un secret: connaître l'alphabet sur le bout des doigts et s'entraîner à la maison... GOOD LUCK!

Spelling Bee contest!

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