a frog in your pond


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revise be and have!


It's James Bond's 50th anniversary! Did you see him with the Queen at the Olympics opening ceremony last summer?

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funny isn't it?

having fun and revising 3ème

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Cliquez sur ce lien pour faire des mots croisés et réviser les adjectifs de personnalité

She's leaving The Beatles

dans la catégorie music and songs

A song for you to sing. Try and find the lyrics, don't cheat!!

W_______________  __________________at ___________o'clock as the ____________begins
Silently _____________her _________________door
Leaving the _________that she hoped ____________say __________
She goes _________________to the ________________clutching her ____________________
Quietly ________________the backdoor ____________
Stepping _______________she is ____________.
She... (We gave her most of our lives)
is ________________ ...(Sacrificed most of our lives)
home... (We gave her everything ___________could buy)
She's ____________________home after living _______________
For so many _________________. Bye, bye

F______________snores as his wife gets _______________her dressing gown
Picks up the _________________that's lying _______________
Standing _________________at the top of the _____________
She ________________down and _______________to her _______________________
______________our baby's ______________________________.
Why ______________________she treat us _______________ thoughtlessly
How _________________she do this to ______                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 She..... (We __________  thought of      ourselves)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Is leaving.... (Never a ______________for ourselves)
home.... (We struggled ____________all our ____________to get by)
She's ________________home after living ___________________________
__________________so many ____________________. Bye, bye
___________ morning at _____________o'clock she is far________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Waiting to keep the _______________________________she made
Meeting a ____________from the motor trade.
She... What _________________we _____________that was _________________
Is having......... We didn't ___________________it was ______________________
Fun.... _____________is the one thing that _____________________can't ____________
___________________________inside that was _________________________denied
__________ so many ____________. Bye, Bye
She ______  __________________  _____________________ bye bye

Find the words in the lyrics:
to hold tightly =>
When you sleep and you make noise each time you breathe => to
A sort of coat you wear over pyjamas or a nightdress when you get up in the morning => a
To fight => to
To survive => to
To say it is not true => to

Pick up the adverbs in the song. What do they have in common?
________________________  _____________________________  ____________________________________________  => They all end with _____________________________
Find the equivalent
Comment a-t-elle pu me faire ça? =>
Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait de mal =>
Comment a-t-elle pu nous traiter avec si peu de considération? =>
Nous n'avons jamais pensé à nous=>
Jamais une pensée pour nous=>


dans la catégorie pour les 4èmes

Revise and practise

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pour vous entrainer une petite BD à compléter ...

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revise classroom English 3ème

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