1l/lva lycée bascan

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03 juin 2017

After the sea rose:CE et CO

Deux extraits du livre "After the Sea Rose" de M.F.W Curran, une CE et une CO. Il était demandé à la classe de dessiner les scènes. Voici quelques uns des résultats. Il ne s'agissait pas d'un travail d'art, mais de compréhension. Bravo à tous!

Extrait n°1

Read the following extract from an apocalyptic novel, then draw the scene depicted!
Chapter 1

"Under a white sun, we sailed across a submerged world. Below these waters were the towns, fields and hills of our ancestors. the ruins of the old world formed islands that were dangerous for we who fished the sea around the Isles od Sheffield. Before us, rising silently from the black water like giant robots was a field of old electricity pylons. To reach the best fishing grounds, we had to navigate this obstacle. Some pylons were leaning dangerously to one side as the salt water rusted their metal, others had fallen completely. Those were the most dangerous ones--their sharp steel hiding under the water, were able to transpierce the thin hull (=coque) of our boat like it was paper. Our boat, the Orpheum Lass, was made from the recycles wrecks of other vessels by the shipbuilders of Sheffield."

Extrait n°2

Chapter 4



30 mai 2017

Book review

Capture.PNG, mai 2017


23 mai 2017

La présentation de Marjane, Léa, Maeva et Merone

La présentation de Soukaina, Alex et Blandine

la présentation de Capucine, Lucie, Marie et Axel

La présentation d'Ombeline, Louan et Laura

Le prezi d'Alex

06 mai 2017

Apocalypse: word clouds

Here are a few of the word clouds made by the group.





25 avril 2017

Why are we hooked on films about mass destruction ?

Las Vegas : learn the words

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