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Archives :

mai 2017

Ruby Bridge at the White House

After having studied Norman Rockwell's painting, let's discover Ruby Bridges' reactions in front of the very painting at the White House.

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Earth Day 2017

Here is the page of Earth Day website. Have a close look at it & say what you think Earth Day is about.


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New York City through songs

dans la catégorie Myths & Heroes (Première)

NYC.jpg, mai 2017

To end the work you have done on New York City, here are very different styles of songs celebrating it.

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School desegregation in the US

dans la catégorie Idea of Progress (Première)

450px-Sewanee_Public_Desegregation_Sign_Front.jpg, mai 2017

Watch again the two video extracts about "the Little Rock Nine" and write a 150 words summary of what happened then.

You will find the links below:


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