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Archives :

janvier 2013

Preparing your task on Fair Trade

Wordle: Fair Trade

Your final task : act out a conversation between a Fair Trade activist and a supermarket manager. The Fair Trade activist wants to convince the manager to promote Fair Trade products in his supermarkets but the manager is reluctant ( réticent) to do so.

In order to prepare your arguments for the promotion of Fair Trade products, you may want to visit the following websites :
- You will also find arguments about the consumers power here
For arguments against the promotion of Fair Trade products, read this . you can also watch again the video on "the myth of ethical shopping"
You'll also need to brainstorm on the possible financial reasons why managers wouldn't want to promote Fair Trade products.

Fair trade : the power of consumers

Watch this video and be ready to present the main elements for next lesson.

Révision de la probabilité

dans la catégorie 2012

Suite à la correction du contrôle sur l'expression de la probabilité, vous trouverez ici des exercices pour vous entraîner encore !

A la fin, imprimez votre test et amenez-le en classe.

Gun culture

dans la catégorie Forms & Seats of Power (Terminale)

As we study the topic of gun culture, you may need to go and visit the following websites :

Below are the two websites you'll need to do your info search. 

Group 1

- on the Declaration of Independence :

- on the Constitution :

- on the Bill of Rights :

Group 2 :