Welcome to My Blog 1° !
Ce blog est conçu pour vous aider à aborder votre année de première dans les meilleures conditions. Vous y trouverez des informations utiles, des liens qui vous aideront à utiliser l'anglais de façon plus autonome, des corrections détaillées, et aussi des documents (visuels et sonores) que vous serez invités à travailler à votre rythme de façon individuelle.
Test your English with Dialang
Dialang gives you a fairly good notion of what your actual level is along the lines defined in the Common European Framework. Just make sure you have enough time ahead of you to take the test from beginning to end. First, you will have to download the program and install it on your PC. The address is the following:
Sites to improve your language skills
Free quizzes, exercises and games to help you work on a variety of grammar and vocabulary points.
Sites to improve your listening skills
Free site focusing on listening comprehension through scaled audio and video recordings. A great way to train your ear as it mainly consists in authentic or semi-authentic conversations about everyday life subjects.
This site provides a whole range of exercices, audio and video recordings dealing with current issues.
Features short video reports as well as written articles tackling most of the subjects you need to be informed about. No exercise included.
Video Time: