Camus speaks English !

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Des idées de lectures en V.O.: just pick & choose!


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Postcrossing : we're back!


Here are the postcards received this year for the 2nd edition of the project with the 1ère LLCE group: they have sent and received postcards from all over the world!

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Rebecca by Daphné du Maurier, now on screens!


Hello everyone,

the 1ère LLCE group has worked on the opening chapter of the novel "Rebecca", written by D.du Maurier in 1938, and shares their illustrations, as well as a teaser of a recent film adaptation of the novel. We hope you'll enjoy the work!

  DSC_0303.JPG  DSC_0301.JPG

 In Rebecca, Mrs.Vanhooper’s young companion meets a young rich man, Mr. De Winter, who lived in Manderley while on Vacation in Monte Carlo. 
They secretly start dating,going out and cruising in the town together. Mr.De winter is sad for losing his wife and asks the young lady to marry him. 
Is the young lady  just  a replacement to him?  In Manderley  everyone there acts strange and it seems the past still  haunts them especially Mr.De winter and Mrs Danvers,the house keeper. 
What could have probably  happened in the past? Nobody knows. The new Mrs.Winter  keeps being tortured by Rebecca’s past  in her dreams and in real life.      Who is Rebecca ? 
Is the new  Mrs. De winter prefect enough to replace Rebecca? 
Will there ever be a revelation of secrets or will she find out on her own? 
(thank you to Vanessa, 1C, for this teaser, and to Louise and Soline for the illustrations)