My life in the United Kingdom



Hello my friends an my family a livi in the United Kingdom six month. I love the United Kingdom the breakfast i love fish and chips and bacon but i dont love the beer becouse is not good. I love football and the United Kingdom it's number twon the number one is Spain and number three is french, here is a list of the best football team in United Kingdom Manchester united, Manchester  city,  Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Leceister but i don't love rugby and cricket. In France is president but here in the United Kingdom it's Queen Elizabeth. The monument is the Big Been tje big school it just "wouah" oxford and the movies and series it's good i little good James Bond the series game of throne, the sking s spench the best know movie is Mom i missed the plane and welcome to england. My opinion to the United Kingdom it the football good but the monument its no good. I love the United Kingdom the six months it just amazing

good bye


