
The 1st of January 2016, I went to England for oen year. Today, we are the 20th of June and I spent six months in England. I live in a house near London and I conclued after six months, clichés are clichés. The stereotypes about English people and England are like French clichés, just stereotypes :

- Let's start with the famous fish and chips. English people like it but there is a lot of food in England and better than fish and chips.

- Second, we have bad weather. In England, weather can be bad, but not too, like French weather.

- We are at the last point, tea. This cliché is like French and bred. Many people like or love tea but many persons don't like tea or prefer coffee, or another drink.

- It was the most famous three clichés about english people. I hope you like my blog and I repeat, clichés are just clichés.

Thank you for reading,



1. On 18 November 2016, 09:53 by Antoine V

What a good experience, Vincent ! i would like to have the same !
PS : First.

2. On 18 November 2016, 09:57 by Mezouri Oualid

Hello! How old were you when you left for England ?

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