09 septembre 2019


9 09 2019

09 août 2019


9 08 2019

SPEAKING : in pairs discuss the following question:

IMG_0686.jpg, août 2018


12 février 2019

BAC TEST CO: Prince Harry, Diana's legacy

12 02 2019

Ecoutez ce document jusqu'à 1.28 trois fois dans les conditions du bac et donnez vous 10 minutes pour restituer en français ce que vous avez compris.

Vous trouverez le script, le vocabulaire et la restitution en français ci-dessous après la vidéo.



Journalist: Yesterday when we talked with Prince Harry about the Invictus Games which will be held at Disney World in May, many of you commented that his infectious spirit and his passion for helping others reminded you of his mother Princess Diana. Well, Prince Harry is hard-working, he is devoted and serves his country with dignity, all while raising America’s awareness about the challenges of our heroes, what they face when they return home.

Prince Harry: When you look past the amputees you look past the burns, they’re still the same people, and to be able to call them all my comrades, friends, whatever, because we all share something. We share that uniform. We share the training, we share in some cases Afghanistan. It’s very special. I suppose it was never to be going to have to get to the stage where I was always going to be Prince Harry, and despite the fact that I always wanted to be captain Wales, treated the same in the same uniform as everybody else, I think there was that acceptance, the power that the name has.

Journalist: Like their mother, Prince Harry and Prince William have used that power to draw attention to their charitable work. Prince Harry formed Sentebale, which means “forget-me-not” in honor of his late mother Princess Diana, to aid the vulnerable children of Lesotho.


Le titre

L’idée d’héritage (legacy) établit un lien entre les deux personnes mentionnées : la princesse Diana et son fils Harry. Le document portera sur Harry, mais établira des points communs avec sa mère Diana.

Pour en savoir plus : http://www.today.com/parents/prince-harry-princess-diana-s-influence-i-w...

1re écoute


Il y a deux parties : l’une racontée par la journaliste, l’autre par le prince Harry.

Éléments visuels utiles : « Invictus Games » sur les tee-shirts des personnes en fauteuil roulant, « help for heroes » sur des drapeaux britanniques, le Prince en tenue d’officier dans l’hélicoptère…

Mots clés à repérer

Prince Harry; Invictus Games; passion; helping others; Princess Diana; hard-working; devoted; dignity; challenges; our heroes; return home; amputees; comrades; friends; share (quatre fois); Afghanistan; special; power; name; mother Princess Diana; children; Lesotho.


Les qualités du Prince : travailleur (hard-working), dévoué (devoted), digne (dignity).

Son action en faveur des jeux (Invictus Games) auxquels participent des militaires amputés (amputees) considérés comme des héros de la nation (our heroes). Le Prince souligne les points communs avec eux (comrades, friends, share), insiste sur leur lien (special), même si son nom (name) lui a conféré un certain pouvoir.

Comme sa mère, il aide les autres (helping others). Il a ainsi fondé une association caritative pour les enfants (children) au Lesotho.

2e et 3e écoutes

Mots et phrases clés par thème

Sur les jeux Invictus : Invictus Games; held at Disney World in May; our heroes; the amputees.

Sur le prince Harry : spirit and passion for helping others; hard-working; devoted; serves his country with dignity; raising awareness about the challenges of our heroes.

Sur le prince Harry et ses camarades de guerre : the amputees; the burns; the same people; my comrades, friends; we all share something; we share that uniform; the training; Afghanistan; very special; always going to be Prince Harry; Despite […] I always wanted to be captain Wales; treated the same; the same uniform; power the name has.

Sur le prince Harry et la princesse Diana : Princes Harry and William; used that power; draw attention to charitable work; formed Sentebale in honor of Princess Diana; to aid children of Lesotho.


Des vétérans amputés ou brûlés (the amputees, the burns) prennent part aux « Invictus Games » à Disney World en mai.

Le prince Harry veut profiter de sa renommée (power the name has) pour attirer l’attention sur ces héros de guerre (raising awareness […] heroes).

Il insiste sur le fait qu’il est comme eux (the same people, we all share something…) et a partagé leur expérience.

Ce lien est très spécial. Malgré tout, il est différent d’eux par son nom (despite […] I always wanted to be captain Wales).

Il veut profiter du pouvoir de son nom pour attirer l’attention sur cette cause, comme il l’a fait avec Sentebale, l’association caritative qui aide les enfants au Lesotho.


Cet extrait, tiré d’un reportage d’ABC News sur le Prince Harry présente les Invictus Games, genre de jeux paralympiques auxquels participent d’anciens militaires et qui se tiendront en mai à Disney World. Le prince Harry est comparé à sa mère, la princesse Diana. Comme elle, il est travailleur et sert son pays avec dignité. Le fait qu’il essaie d’attirer l’attention des gens sur les difficultés rencontrées par les héros de guerre lorsqu’ils reviennent dans leur pays sous-entend qu’il peut même être à l’origine de la création de ces jeux. Interrogé, il explique que, quel que soit le handicap de ces vétérans, il se considère comme eux car il a partagé le même uniforme, le même entraînement, notamment en Afghanistan, et qu’il les appelle « mes camarades, mes amis ». Il explique qu’il aurait voulu être considéré avec simplicité comme le « capitaine Wales » mais que son nom a été plus fort et lui a conféré un pouvoir, dont il profite finalement pour servir une cause. C’est, explique la journaliste, ce qu’il a fait aussi dans le cadre de l’association « Sentebale » qu’il a fondée et qui aide les enfants au Lesotho.




Oprah Winfrey's Golden Globes Speech, avec script. (Niveau B1/B2)

12 02 2019

SCRIPT I want to say that I value the press more than ever before as we try to navigate these complicated times, which brings me to this: what I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have. And I'm especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough and empowered enough to speak up and share their personal stories. Each of us in this room are celebrated because of the stories that we tell, and this year we became the story. But it's not just a story affecting the entertainment industry. It's one that transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace. So I want tonight to express gratitude to all the women who have endured years of abuse and assault because they, like my mother, had children to feed and bills to pay and dreams to pursue. They're the women whose names we'll never know. (…) And there's someone else, Recy Taylor, a name I know and I think you should know, too. In 1944, Recy Taylor was a young wife and a mother walking home from a church service she'd attended in Abbeville, Alabama, when she was abducted by six armed white men, raped, and left blindfolded by the side of the road coming home from church. They threatened to kill her if she ever told anyone, but her story was reported to the NAACP where a young worker by the name of Rosa Parks became the lead investigator on her case and together they sought justice. But justice wasn't an option in the era of Jim Crow. The men who tried to destroy her were never persecuted. Recy Taylor died ten days ago, just shy of her 98th birthday. She lived as we all have lived, too many years in a culture broken by brutally powerful men. For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak the truth to the power of those men. But their time is up. Their time is up. Vocabulary: To value: chérir la valeur Tool: outil To speak up: dire haut et fort The entertainment industry : l’industrie du divertissement Abuse : abus Assault : agression Bills : factures To attend : assister à Abducted: enlevée Raped: violée Blindfolded: les yeux bandés To threaten : menacer The NAACP: the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Martin Luther King) The lead investigator: à la tête de l’enquête Sought : preterit de seek : rechercher Era : ère, époque Jim Crow laws : lois racistes et discriminatoires envers les noirs américains avant les années 50 aux Etats-Unis To dare to : oser Their time is up: leur heure est finie.


12 02 2019


SCRIPT Actress Emma Watson has urged young men to speak out when women are degraded and husbands to support wives to pursue their ambitions as part of a drive to get more men to champion women’s rights. The star who is an ambassador for UN women spoke on Friday at the World Economic Foreign Meeting at Davos. She helped to launch the next phase of her ‘He for She’ Campaign, a drive to encourage men and boys to join the struggle for equal rights. “Girls, who have been your mentors? Parents, did you make sure you treated your children equally? If so, how have you done it? Husbands, have you been supporting your female partner privately so that she can fulfill her dreams too? Young men, have you spoken up in a conversation when a woman has been casually degraded or dismissed? Everyone from Desmond Tutu to Prince Harry, to Hillary Clinton, to Yoko Ono, have issued their support or contacted us September 20th. Everything from marathons being run, merchandise being created, 15 year old boys writing to national newspapers deploring female discrimination, young girls collecting hundreds of signatures_ it all happened in the last 4 months.” The He for She conference video from September has been viewed over eleven million times and sparked 1.2 billion social media conversations. Vocabulary: To urge: presser, pousser Foreign: étranger To launch: lancer, donner le coup d’envoi Struggle: combat To fulfill a dream: realiser un rêve Dismissed:renvoyée A spark: une étincelle


BAC TES CO : JK ROWLING: Harvard speech, part 2: the benefits of failure, avec script (Niveau B2)

12 02 2019

La vidéo est formatée (chaque écoute dure 2.20 minutes, 3 écoutes ponctuées de pauses d'une minute, puis 10 minutes pour rédiger en français votre résumé, jusqu'au bip final). Je vous joins le script ainsi que le vocabulaire pour vous aider en dessous parès la vidéo..

 Good luck!


"On this wonderful day when we are gathered together to celebrate your academic success, I have decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure. I think it fair to say that by any conventional measure, a mere seven years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew. Now, I am not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun. That period of my life was a dark one, and I had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represented as a kind of fairy tale resolution. So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies."

Vocabulary: To gather: se rassembler failure: échec To graduate: obtenir un diplôme to be acquainted with: connaître fair: juste mere: simple, juste scale: échelle, proportion short-lived: de courte durée to implode: imploser jobless: au chômage a lone parent: une mère célibataire homeless: sans abri a fairy tale: un conte de fée to strip away: ôter, retirer to matter: avoir de l'importance to succeed: réussir arena: arène to believe in: croire en to belong to: appartenir à to be set free: être libéré fear: crainte, peur typewriter: machine à écrire to hit rock bottom: toucher le fond the will: la volonté to find out: découvrir ruby: rubis



08 février 2019


8 02 2019
out-of-the-blue.jpg, fév. 2018


23 janvier 2019


23 01 2019

16 janvier 2019


16 01 2019

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17 octobre 2018

THE GREAT GATSBY "you can't repeat the past"

17 10 2018

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