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07a. Exhibition at the school

The objective was to involve as many people locally as possible, starting of course with the community of our own school, but also to the public at large thanks to the participation of the local public library. Each place presents different aspects of the students' work.

In our high School :

- Display panels in the main hall and on the wall of the first floor corridor present the project, its theme and objectives, and its members.

Hall.jpg, avr. 2017
Hall_2.jpg, avr. 2017
patchwork.JPG, avr. 2017
banner.jpg, avr. 2017

- At the school library : display panels presented different magazine covers from the partner countries collected over the two past years. Tablets were made freely available to the visitors on which they could watch movies shot during the project, find information about the charities and NGOs who take care of the refugees. Some copies of the Mapbook were of course also displayed on the tables for consultation.

Expo_CDI_tablettes_bis.jpg, avr. 2017
tablettes_1.jpg, avr. 2017
tablettes_3.JPG, avr. 2017
tablettes_6.JPG, avr. 2017

Movies recounting the trajectories of some of the project members' families or friend were uploaded on a dropbox folder and made available thanks to the tablets. Those films can be watched here.

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Published on 07 April 2017 by Zafimehy Niriarimanga (Lycée Auguste Renoir, Asnières (92))