Sequence 4 – The Titanic, an unsinkable ship ? Time to think….]
Culture in progress
Language in progress
1/ vocab to remember (le vocabulaire à retenir)
2/ unsinkable = qui ne peut pas couler= un (préfixe négatif) + sink (verbe) + able (capable de)
Comment dirais-tu ?
immangeable = uneatable
imbuvable = undrinkable
impensable = unthinkable
incassable = unbreakable
3/ The preterit – tu te souviens que pour mettre un verbe au passé en anglais, il suffit d’ajouter « ed » à la fin sauf pour les verbes irréguliers.
Comment dire ?
Il est parti = he left .
Il est allé = he went
Il est arrivé = he arrived
Il a coulé = he sank
2/ Did you memorize the basics (as-tu retenu l’essentiel) ? coche la bonne réponse
*The Titanic was supposed to go
q from NYC to England
q from England to the Pacific
q from England to NYC
*It left Southampton
q on April 10th 1912
q on April 15th 1912
q in 1909
*It sank
q2 days after departure
q 3 days after departure
q 5 days after departure
*The sinking is connected to
qthe weather conditions
q the speed of the ship
q an iceberg
*It was
q its first voyage
q its second voyage
q its last voyage