segregation and the civil rights movement

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21 février 2017

Students' work

Here's a look at some of the work completed by the students in the class of 3D!



eleve_3D.JPG, fév. 2017


[object Object]
eleve_3D_2.JPG, mar. 2017
eleve_3D_2.JPG, mar. 2017
eleve_3D_3.JPG, mar. 2017


eleve_3D_4.JPG, mar. 2017


19 février 2017

Black History Month

Read about Black History Month here. Discover when it was created and who created it!

To access the information just click on the link below!

Happy reading!





25 janvier 2017

Test your knowledge!

Civil Rights: Inspiring artists

A poem written by Langston Hughes (1902-1967), a famous American poet, novelist, playwright and social activist from Missouri, USA.



Where is the Jim Crow section 
On this merry-go-round, 
Mister, cause I want to ride?
Down South where I come from 
White and colored 
Can't sit side by side. 
Down South on the train 
There's a Jim Crow car. 
On the bus we're put in the back—
But there ain't no back 
To a merry-go-round! 
Where's the horse 
For a kid that's black?


American author Kathryn Stockett published a novel in 2009 entitled 'The Help' which deals with the issue of civil rights in Mississippi, Jackson during the 1960's. This novel was later turned into a film. The story portrays black maids working for white families and the horrible mistreatment they suffered on a daily basis. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer are amazing in the film! In spite of the serious theme of the film, their acting adds a touch of comedy to lighten the tone. And we can't forget Emma Stone played a highly important role as a journalist.


Samuel Cooke, or Sam Cooke, wrote a very touching song entitled 'A change gonna come'.

Why not have a listen!


Jim Crow Laws and the segregation of facilities

Some period photos of segregation in the south: