mai 30

5è / SEQ The Fab Four / John Lennon's death

mai 29

5è / SEQ The Fab Four / John Lennon's biography / professional life

5è / SEQ The Fab Four / John Lennon's biography / private life

mar. 29

5è / SEQ 2: Schools around the world / ridiculous rules at school

mar. 22

5è / SEQ 2: Schools around the world /Makoko floating school / 2

mar. 19

5è / SEQ 2: Schools around the world / Makoko floating school / 1

mar. 12

5è / SEQ2: Schools around the world / A call from Amir - Part3

mar. 8

5è / SEQ 2: Schools around the world / a call from Amir - Part2

mar. 5

5è / SEQ 2: Schools around the world / a call from Amir - Part1

fév. 8

5è / SEQ 2: Schools around the world / Laurie's timetable (CE part2)

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