mai 2024

jeudi 30

5è / SEQ The Fab Four / John Lennon's death

mercredi 29

5è / SEQ The Fab Four / John Lennon's biography / professional life

5è / SEQ The Fab Four / John Lennon's biography / private life

mercredi 22

3è / SEQ 3: London at war / Joan's story

mardi 21

3è/ SEQ London at war / evacuating

mercredi 15

3è / SEQ3: London at war / propaganda posters

5è LCE / SEQ Mission Fog / challenge 4 / Practise 2

5è LCE / SEQ Mission Fog / challenge 4 / Practise 1

5è LCE / SEQ Mission Fog / challenge 4 / Classify

5èLCE / SEQ Mission Fog / Challenge 4 / understand

mardi 7

3è / SEQ London at war / CO-preparation time

lundi 6

5è LCE / SEQ Mission Fog / challenge 4 / London quiz

5è LCE / SEQ Mission Fog / challenge 4 / London sightseeing

vendredi 3

3è / SEQ London at war / Under fire