an english corner in mandel

On the way !

DSC_0206.JPG, mar. 2017


Trip to Ldn: don't forget...

... Your identity card or passport

... Your pencilcase

... Your backpack with your breakfast and packed lunch!

... A warm coat and comfortable shoes

... An umbrella


 In your suitcase, take your:

- toothbrush and toothpaste

- towel

- shower gel and shampoo

- medicine of necessary with a prescription

- a small present for your host family...

Trip to Ldn 2017

image.jpg, mar. 2017

Get ready! 


Carnets de voyage 1/2


Carnets de voyage4eCEpi "Migrants et migrations dans le monde"Collège Georges Mandelannée 2016-2017 de crs. anglais.renoir

He had a dream!

Lire la suite...

Trump's election by CBBCNEWSROUND

US kids tell us what they think of Donald Trump's victory

6 December 2016 Last updated at 07:54 GMT

Last month Donald Trump was elected as the next President of the Unites States.

Not everyone agrees with him and there were lots of arguments about whether he was the right choice.

He will officially become US President on 20 January 2017.

Martin has spoken to kids in America to find out what they think now the election is over.

The US a Nation of immigrants

Want to know more about American history?

Check this website out!

click here

2016, a year to remember by CBBC NEWSROUND

click here to know more


carrie_fisher.jpg, déc. 2016


Lire la suite...

A message to Alexandre and Francisco from Portugal

“Olá Francisco e Alexandre!
Gostei muito do vosso postal de Marseille.
Desejo-vos toda a sorte do mundo.
Feliz Natal e um Novo Ano cheiinho de coisas boas.
Beijos,. Ana”

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