an english corner in mandel

Spiders spiders everywhere!!!

Paddington: the book

Full English breakfast

Enjoy your meal!

The Blitz

Imitation game trailer

Paddington meets the Brown family

Paddington trailer

Romeo and Juliet by the 4e

Thanksgiving story! (6e/5e)

A message from the US

“Bonjour Maelys!
I studied French for several years at school, but I will keep writing in English because I sense you would like to practice your English :) Your English is flawless, by the way!
Thank you for your nice card of the French forts, I like it very much! In answer to your questions: my favorite color is red, and my favorite dish... Well, this is a tough question. So many choices... I really love Japanese food, but tonight the dish I want most for dinner is macaroni and cheese.
And your last question: how am I? I am doing very well. This week in America we have Thanksgiving (a big holiday where everyone goes home to their families and we all have a huge feast), so I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends, and stuffing myself with food!
I hope it is a beautiful day in France!
Best wishes,

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