a frog in your pond

The 3ème have written articles on their blogs about their summer holidays! Read!

dans la catégorie pour les 3èmes

Hi! I'm back! During my summer holidays, I went to Spain and Portugal and it was fantastic! I left in July and August with my friends and my super family! We went there by plane! =D I enjoyed my holidays they were amazing! And you? Did you like yours or were they boring? Answer in the comments=)

So my holidays were crazy but one day the most embarrassing thing happened to me! I know you're going to crack up but let's go on!... I was talking with my friends at the swimming-pool like every day. We were laughing and playing volley-ball =) Now it's gonna be funny... My friends said:' Lucie you can do it, you can jump from the diving board' and I said:' Yes, I can, it's only 5 meters high' and they answered:' No, it's 7 meters high!' I was so scared! But I climbed the ladder to the diving board an I said:' Ok, let's go... 1...2...3...' Splash! I jumped! When I was under water I was like I'M A CHAMPION! Then I saw a part of my bikini! All the people were laughing even me! I swam and I put on my bikini in the water! It was the most embarrassing moment in my entire life!!! Now I know you're laughing behind your computer! =P

And you? Have you got an embarrassing thing that happened to you during your holidays? Write it in a comment!

xoxo my followers! Kiss! Love you! =D

Lucie Alves


dans la catégorie pour les 5èmes

Here is a mind map to revise clothes, click on the link to enlarge the document  clothing.doc

What are you like?

dans la catégorie pour les 3èmes

Here is a mind map to describe your personality, personality_voc.doc and a list MEMORY_CHALLENGE.doc

Music! 'Just give me a reason' by Pink and Nate Ruess and ' Treasure' by Bruno Mars

dans la catégorie music and songs

Pour écouter et retrouver les paroles de la chanson Just give me a reason de Pink et Nate Ruess cliquez ici puis sélectionnez beginners ou intermediate et GO!

Pour Treasure de Bruno Mars cliquez ici

pour les 5èmes réviser la description physique

dans la catégorie pour les 5èmes

To revise before B1L2 click here

English penfriends

dans la catégorie pour les 4èmes euro

Yanis and Tristan don't worry! Your penfriends are just lazy and were late so you'll have their letter on Tuesday.

Have a nice week-end!

Les deux prétérits (3ème)

dans la catégorie pour les 3èmes

To practise  the two preterites click here (accès à des exercices corrigés) and here

To read Lionel's blog again click on the link Lionel__s_blog.doc

Have a nice week-end!

Lhistoire du pot de colle et de la roue de secours super costaude!

dans la catégorie pour les 5èmes

Le pot de colle => c'est NOT qui se colle toujours à l'auxiliaire

 la roue de secours super costaude => c'est DO l'auxiliaire du présent simple,il porte à la forme négative et NOT et le S de la 3ème personne (si la phrase est à la 3ème personne bien sûr!)

Entraîne-toi!Practise!Mets ces phrases à la forme négative.

I am Irish =>

I play football every week-end=>

Brian has two sisters=>

Sean lives in Australia=>

He is Australian=>

He loves his cats=>

They are British=>

and now to check click here la_negation.doc! (pour vérifier clique)

Have a nice week-end!

Schools in English-speaking countries pour les 4èmes euro

dans la catégorie pour les 4èmes euro

To download the documents you will need on Friday click here and here and here and finally here!

Once you're on the website (une fois sur la page du site) click on téléchargerthen right-click in the middle and choose "enregistrer le fichier audio sous"

No listening before Friday, ok? Or only to check that it works!

But you can watch this video

See you on Friday!

Holiday activities pour les 3èmes

dans la catégorie pour les 3èmes

click on this link=> holiday_activities.doc

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