a frog in your pond

Let's have fun!

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If you want to have fun and practise saying tongue twisters like The big bug bit the little beetle, but the little beetle bit the big bug back    click here!

Trooping the colour

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Trooping the Colour on 14 June 2014

Today is the Queen's official birthday click here to watch the video or here to see some pictures of the ceremony

LONDON MAY 28th + visit of the Queen

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I finally found out what happened in London while we were there... no French president visit at all !!! It was the Horse Guards parade followed by a garden party at Buckingham Palace!

click here to learn more and here to see pictures of the Queen in France

Revision B2L3

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click here to practise or here or on Mrs Nallet's blog here

or here

Why don't we .. let's ... with One direction!

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treasure hunt in covent garden answers

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ice climbing in covent garden to watch a video click here

where to build a bear?

tea shop

coffee shop between Tuttons and Belushi's

shop opposite The Body shop

name of the pub (colour + animal)

Trip to London

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Merci à tous pour votre bonne humeur, votre enthousiasme et votre endurance!!!!


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Sorry but it seems there will be some rain :(    so don't forget your umbrella! 


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Congratulations to all the 5ème 2 you succeeded your ASSR test brilliantly! :)

Test B2L2

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Pour vérifier vos réponses au checkpoint correction_checkpoint.doc

Have a nice week-end! :)

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