a frog in your pond

When's your birthday?

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The Wizard of Oz

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Here is the link to the script of the film

A Cristmas Carol (fin)

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The third spirit, the spirit of Christmas yet to come who looks like death takes Scrooge to his future. First he takes him to the stock exchange where he sees people talking about him and mocking him, then he sees himself dead and he is alone because he hasn’t got any family or friends to mourn him. Scrooge is horrified and he decides to change. He begs the spirit to give him one last chance. 

Suddenly he finds himself in his bed because all his adventures happened in one night. He realizes that Christmas is a particular / special moment for people. He buys a big turkey and a basket of fruit and goes to his clerk’s house to celebrate Christmas with his family. He becomes a better man and he decides not only to increase Mr C’s salary but also to pay for the treatment to cure his son, Tiny Tim. Finally, he becomes a generous caring man.

The spirits have changed his life because they have taught him a lesson.

We could say that he was reborn and we can imagine that he finishes his life happily. 


Thank you to you all and to Shaun for typing

A paperboy interview

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Here is the script Paperboy_Interview.pdf

and the recording if you wish to listen to it again

Another cover letter

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The Wizard of Oz

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Exercises on directions

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Voici l'exercice sur lequel nous avons travaillé en classe

Vous pouvez aussi retourner sur cette page pour faire des exercices supplémentaires

Bon courage :-)

Revisions B2S2

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pour le superlatif allez ici

pour voir comment les anglophones expriment leur enthousiasme lisez les commentaires laissés sur ce blog après les photos du petit chat (kitten) ici

pour gotta/gonna/wanna allez ici

Segway tour + Checkpoint

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Segway Tour


New year's resolutions

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