a frog in your pond

Big Challenge

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Résultat de recherche d'images pour "big challenge"Don't forget to revise for Tuesday 12th, click here


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The Wizard of Oz

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I've just watched the video...congrats to all of you, it was great and the audience (public) loved it!!

You did a great job! Have a nice week-end!!!


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Royal princess named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana

  • 1 hour ago BBC News
  • The princess
The princess follows a long line of royals named Charlotte

A princess is born

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Prince George goes to hospital to meet his little sister


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Résultat de recherche d'images pour "royal baby it's a girl"

Royal baby: Prince William and Catherine welcome baby girl

2 May 2015 Last updated at 14:57 BST

The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a girl, Kensington Palace has announced.

The baby, who is fourth in line to the throne, was "safely delivered" at 08:34 BST, the palace said in a statement.

The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth of the baby, who weighs 8lbs 3oz (3.7kg).

Today is Earth Day

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To know more about it click here

Happy 89th birthday to the Queen

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To help you describe yourself physically What_do_you_look_like.doc

To help you describe your personality fiche_lexique_defi_memoire.pdf

Finally the documents for the letter I gave you fiche_lettre.doc     fiche_lettre_2.doc

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