a frog in your pond

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The Queen's anniversary

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Britain's Queen Elizabeth sits in her private audience room in Buckingham Palace next to one of her official red boxes in which she receives documents and papers from government officials

watch her life in pictures here

or on the video

Mr Bean 25th anniversary !!!

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Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean at Buckingham Palace to launch the new Mr Bean DVD and to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the character's creation.


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Pour décorer la page de garde de votre cahier d'anglais vous trouverez des images à imprimer en couleur dans ce document



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and don't forget to practise your English so as not to forget everything  !!!! And revise your irregular verbs :-( and have fun !!!!

Mrs Denis-Dechamps

Elegance Day

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Look at these beautiful girls and handsome boys!

and some of them one year ago... they have changed, haven't they?

Big Challenge

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Résultat de recherche d'images pour "big challenge"Don't forget to revise for Tuesday 12th, click here


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Royal princess named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana

  • 1 hour ago BBC News
  • The princess
The princess follows a long line of royals named Charlotte

A princess is born

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